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Ten principles for cats to use scratchers correctly

Release time:2020-12-09 15:37:19      Number of hits:275

Cat owners know that cats like to scratch things in a fixed place. This is not only to leave the smell of glands on the paws, but to let other cats know that this is its territory. In addition, the cat does not want to sharpen its own claws, but to remove the worn-out claw shell to expose the already-grown and sharp claws inside.

Even though cats are already living in human homes, they still choose at least one place to catch them because of their nature. Once the cat starts scratching a piece of furniture, it will often scratch the same place. If you want your cat to use a scratch board, you can choose a scratch board made of tiled paper, which is becoming more and more popular, but it is placed on the ground so that it is convenient for the cat to scratch, especially the kitten. It is a sleeping or resting area. Or you can fix it on the wall, but the scratch board standing alone on the ground is easy to fall down during the scratching process. In fact, it is not as good as fixing it on the wall.

For areas that have been scratched, you can wrap heavy plastic. The cat doesn't like the smell, and then put the scratching board you want it to scratch in front of it. Remember the following principles:

1. Place it close to sleeping and resting areas.

2. Not only prepare a scratch board, because there is one to be placed next to the sleeping place.

3. The grab board that is easy to fall is useless, it is better to fix it on the wall.

4. The size of the scratching board is about 15-20 cm wide and 30-40 cm long.

5. Either the cat scratcher should be placed flat on the ground or fixed vertically on the wall.

6. The vertical cat scratching board should be about 30 cm away from the ground. Please adjust the size as the cat grows, so that the cat can easily stand and scratch.

7. The material of the scratch board is preferably cork, such as pine, cedar, and mahogany, with twine around the outside.

8. When the cat starts to use it frequently, it has to be fixed to use before moving the scratcher to the place you want.

9. The heavy plastic covering the scratched furniture cannot be removed before the cat has completely scratched on the scratch board you prepared.

10. The material of the scratching board must be what the cat likes.

Please don’t buy scratchers that are completely unbreakable. Cats don’t like this kind of thing. Don’t rush to replace the ones that are messy, because cats like this mark!

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