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What are the characteristics and functions of cat climbing frame

Release time:2020-12-09 15:57:06      Number of hits:334

Although not all cat owners will choose cat climbing frames, cat climbing frames are indeed a more practical tool. Housing, claw grinding, and sports can all be solved by cat climbing frame. We can also do a simple understanding of cat climbing frame.


1. Hemp rope column

The pillar part of the cat climbing frame is usually wrapped with sisal white brown rope, which is processed from wild agave that smells like cat grass. Cats also need to sharpen their claws. The hemp rope column can be used as a tool for the cat's claw sharpening. If the cat will bite, this can also be solved.

2. The multi-layer platform can accommodate several cats. The advantage of the platform is that it allows cats to rest without obstacles. Regardless of the size and weight of the cats at home, they can basically rest on the platform smoothly, without worrying about the cats rolling off the platform during their sleep. drop. The material of the platform is mostly high-quality board, and at the same time, it is equipped with environmentally friendly plush without any chemicals. The wool is beautiful and smooth in color, full of flexibility, and easy to clean.

3. Cat litter

The cat litter of the cat climbing frame is generally a hole-shaped design, because cats and dogs are more guarded animals. A more confined space will give them a sense of security, so cats love it whether it is a cat litter with a transparent on both sides or a tree hole. During the day, it is quiet, dark and concealed to drill hole-shaped cat litters. Sleeping in it is a better choice.

4. Jump up and down to do moderate exercise

From the perspective of sports, the role of cat climbing frame is actually not great. Because the time cats can move is the process of jumping up and down.

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