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Some precautions for using catnip

Release time:2020-12-09 15:47:54      Number of hits:310

Catnip, formerly known as Nepeta, is a herbaceous plant with a strong aroma that can repel mosquitoes and insects. But its effect is to make cats crazy, so many cat owners jokingly call it "cat poison*", and there are many "drug scenes" where cats with a high-cold appearance meet catnip.

Although it is called a "cat product", its effect is not long, and it is not addictive. About two-thirds of cats respond to the smell of catnip, so it is also a great tool to please cats . We can choose some catnip toys for cats, such as small cloth bags filled with catnip, cat paw boards and mouse toys, etc., or we can buy seeds and grow them ourselves so that cats can taste fresh catnip. Catnip not only makes cats happy, but also induces vomiting.

But after buying a catnip toy, there are a few things you need to pay attention to when using it:

First of all, do not allow cats to contact catnip for a long time. If it is used too frequently, it will lose its effect and the cat will no longer have excitement. The frequency of use is less than once a week. And don’t let catnip toys hang in the room for a long time, please keep it sealed.

If there are multiple cats in the house, please use catnip separately. Cats have different reactions when they smell catnip, and some may become very excited. If multiple cats are together, there may be harassment, so do not use catnip together.

Don't do too much at a time, just a small amount like a thumb nail. Too much may cause some cats to have difficulty breathing.

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