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Tips for using funny cat

Release time:2020-12-09 15:34:56      Number of hits:265

Funny cat stick is a toy that owners often buy for cats, and they can interact and play directly with cats. But sometimes the owner will find that when the cat is used to tease the cat, our cat is often colder and will not ignore you. Therefore, if the host masters some techniques of using the cat stick, they can play with the cat happily.

1. Getting started skills

Subjects: kittens under one year old, active cats. Tips: Just shake it, or put it on the ground to let the cat's home high. Tip: Basically no skills are needed for this category of cats. If you don't play with it, it will take the initiative to invite it.

2. Advanced skills

Subject: General cats, picky cats, and playful cats. Tips: Use static braking, gain momentum, fast and slow, and flicker. Tip: To treat cats of this type, the dancing of the cat should be static and dynamic. The key is to be patient. If they suddenly calm down, it doesn't mean that they don't play anymore, but they are "ambushing" and preparing for a pounce!

3. Advanced skills

Subject: Fat cat and old cat who are too lazy to move. Tips: Equipped with high-precision devices and adopt aggressive teasing methods. Tip: This type of cat can be said to be difficult to deal with. To make them move, you must first equip them with high-quality, precise, and sharp weapons, and choose the funny cat's stick that attracts cats' eyes, first attract their ideas, and then arouse their fighting spirit! It should be noted that "provocation" After the episode, the cat still has to catch the "prey", otherwise the cat will lose interest because of frustration.

Fourth, high level

Subject: Picky old cat, lazy fat cat. Tip: At this time, no great wins, no great, no great everywhere. Tip: The only way to treat this type of cat is "unconventional" combat methods. It is difficult for the general cat funny stick to arouse the interest of the cat family.

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