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Choose the scratcher your cat likes

Release time:2019-12-03 11:59:35      Number of hits:267

Cats will grind their paws at home, as long as they feel good in their hands, they will mutilate the furniture at home in the future, so the appearance of cat scratchers is a boon for parents. Then why is the cat indifferent when buying a scratcher for the cat? How to choose a scratcher that your cat likes?

To choose a suitable scratcher for your cat, you must first understand the cat’s living habits, because different cats have different scratching habits. Some cats like to scratch on their stomachs, some like to stand up and scratch, and some like to hold and scratch. Therefore, according to the cat's habits, you can choose different scratching boards for horizontal and vertical placement.

And the size of the scratch board selected for the cat should be slightly larger. Generally speaking, cats have the habit of grinding their claws after waking up. Most of these cats like to scratch on their stomachs, so you can choose a horizontal scratcher for your cat. Moreover, it is placed next to the cat's nest, and the claws can be sharpened at any time after the cat wakes up, or when it is lying idle and stretching.

And some cats have stronger territorial consciousness. They all like to extend their claws to a higher level to grind their claws. They are not only grinding claws, but also expanding their territory. The traces and their own odor expand to high places, so as to be like other cats. For cats with this habit, the owner should choose a vertical scratcher for him, and the height of the scratcher must be high enough.

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