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What cat supplies do new cats need

Release time:2020-12-09 15:45:20      Number of hits:319

Many novice cat friends don’t know which cat supplies should be prepared for new cats. There are many cat supplies on the market now, but which supplies are suitable for cats who have just arrived home? The editor will give you a brief introduction. Is a novice owner, you can refer to it.

1. Tableware: stable bottom, easy to clean

The food container is slightly deeper and heavy, with a stable bottom. Some cats like to eat with their front paws on the side of the food container, so if the food container is too light, it will spill out. Two should be prepared, one for eating and one for drinking. There are plastic products, stainless steel products, pottery products, etc., as long as the cleaning is easy to choose which department to choose. Some food containers are opened regularly for food.

2. Cat toilet:

The plastic toilets with shovel on the market are easy to use. For kittens, choose not too deep, for big cats, choose larger ones. The sand in the middle is washed and reusable and paper type, and it is better to choose the small type that can solidify. Just throw away the solidified part like a ball. It's easy. This kind of thing can be bought cheaply in pet stores.

Third, the cat box: choose a strong and good ventilation

This kind of box is used when going to the hospital or going out to pack cats. Some people use corrugated boxes instead. The ones sold in the market are better if you can see them inside. The material of the cat box is mostly plastic and rattan. There are three types of sizes to choose the right one. The choice of a box is mainly based on whether it is light and strong. If the box itself is heavy, it will be very difficult to carry it. After you buy the box, try to carry it from time to time. It is very convenient to use in emergency.

4. Claw grinder: In addition to the ones sold in the market, you can also make your own

The claw sharpeners sold in the market are made of corrugated cardboard or blanket cloth like washboard. Corrugated cardboard products, if it is equipped with a plastic cover, if the paper in the middle is broken, just replace it, so it is generally cheaper. But compared with blanket cloth products, the disadvantage is that it is easier to slag. The claw grinder can also be made by yourself, just stick the fish cake board on the wall of the box, and then spread the cat's favorite cloth.

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