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Several considerations for choosing cat toys

Release time:2020-12-09 15:43:25      Number of hits:296

Although cats don't seem to like to move, they either sleep on their stomachs, or just get up and walk around at will. But toys are still very attractive to cats. The owner and the cat can also enhance each other's feelings when they play together, which is enough to please the cat's mood and also allow him to get a certain amount of exercise. But there are many kinds of cat toys, and different kinds of cat toys have different attraction points for cats. The owner must pay attention to the choice.

The cat is always happy with cat toys and keeps teasing. It is difficult to tell whether it is playing or attacking. It may pounce on the toy it usually likes like a tiger, or it may sneak close and fiddle with it. In fact, the owner need not worry. This is the nature of the cat. As a predator, although it is already a pet, it uses this method to exercise its natural predatory instinct. So be sure to give the cat a suitable toy, let it treat the toy as a hunting object in nature, in order to carry out the hunting behavior. You can give it a few rolls of paper, ping-pong or cat-playing sticks to enhance its entertainment when playing. But it should be noted that those toys should be firmer and not torn and eaten by cats.

Moreover, cats maintain a strong curiosity about everything around them, and they are an animal that "loves the new and dislikes the old". If you only want to buy a toy to save trouble, it will be counterproductive. Therefore, the owners should buy as many different toys as possible for the cats to keep them fresh, so that they will not get bored.

Remember not to think of yourself as a toy, stretch out your fingers, feet, or use clothing to tease it. This will encourage its aggressive behavior. So when you play with cats, be sure to use funny cat toys.

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